Presentation of the "Basket Bond - Sustainable Energy" program, implemented by ENI

Presentation of the "Basket Bond - Sustainable Energy" program, implemented by ENI

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On Monday, January 31 at the Palazzo della Borsa in Milan, Renato Bocca - President of the Consorzio Industriale Lucano, at the invitation of ENI, participated in the presentation of the "Basket Bond - Sustainable Energy" program, implemented by ENI together with ELITE, a company of the Borsa Italiana/Euronext Group and illimity Bank, to accelerate the growth and development of the supply chain.

From ENI press release:
"This is the first innovative finance facility aimed at all companies in the integrated energy supply chain, with a special focus on SMEs and dedicated to sustainable development goals. Companies admitted to the program will be able to access financial resources - on concessional terms depending on their current and prospective sustainability profile - to be allocated to projects and investments aimed at achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Companies committed to a path of just energy transition and with the ambition to improve their industrial processes and business models will thus be able to finance, for example, concrete initiatives such as plant renovation for the purpose of energy efficiency and improvement of environmental impact, access to renewable energy sources, sustainable mobility, adoption of circular economy models, protection of workers' health and safety, and training and creation of new skills."

Full ENI press release:

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